Written by 10:02 am IN PRISON, SENTENCED



Team Leader, Glasgow Health & Social Care Partnership, Tomorrow’s Women

The new Community Custody unit in Maryhill called Lilias was opened in October 2022and holds up to 24 short and long-term prisoners.  The Prison based Social Worker based in Lilias is managed by the Tomorrow’s Women Glasgow Team Leader and she has developed close relationships with Scottish Prison Service staff and inmates, whilst being linked into Tomorrow’s Women resources.  At present the Lilias is holding 6 Life Licence and 5 short term prisoners. Women are referred to Lilias if they are assessed as low risk, approaching the end of their sentence and who have evidenced that they are ready to be released. 

The Tomorrow’s Women Service provides a venue and opportunities for prisoners to have special escorted and unescorted leave to attend groupwork activities and appointments with social workers. The service aims to support women released from custody with re-integration into their communities, which is particularly important for short-term prisoners who tend to be released without supports.

Our worker who is linked into supporting women from Lilias Custody Unit, commented:


“Over the past year I have supported 6 women being released from closed conditions and Lilias Centre after serving +4 years.  This work is crucial to ensure their return to the community is as smooth a transition as possible during a period of high stress and anxiety.  This has been achieved by building relationships during their time in prison and ensuring their needs are highlighted as early on as possible.  Building trust and setting realistic expectations about the future is a key part of our role during this time. Multi-agency working and engaging with third sector organisations has been critical to this work and in particular Turning Point Scotland Tenancy Sustainment Service has played a huge part in these women being able to return to the community and into a supported tenancy rather than being placed within homeless projects or hotel accommodation – which pose a greater risk that they will re-offend.”

Tomorrow’s Women supports women with all aspects of their lives including: 

  • exploring and addressing the issues which have led to offending behaviour;
  • accessing funds for the women to buy clothing, furniture and other necessary items;  
  • supporting women to apply for benefits and open/re-activate bank accounts;
  • registering with GP, sexual health and dentist services;
  • support to attend initial appointments;
  • support with transport links and familiarisation of local area;
  • emotional support with the change of circumstances;
  • access to group work within Tomorrow’s Women Glasgow; and
  • support to connect with recovery networks.

A service user leaving Lilias made the following statement about her involvement with Tomorrow’s Women: 


“I found it useful to build a relationship with [my worker] while I was still in prison.  It was good to get to know her and it meant I felt comfortable with her before I got out.  I was worried about being released because last time I had no support and I fell back into old habits.  This time I was reassured that support would be in place, a supported flat, help with benefits, getting furniture/clothes etc.  Although I was still stressed about my release, this time felt much better and I was glad that [my worker] and Turning Point were there for me.


I have been out for a few weeks now and the settling in period has been made easier by support from staff, they have been brilliant, and I don’t know what I would have done without them.


I am also enjoying attending Tomorrow’s Women for group work two days every week.  The staff are all great and it’s great to spend time with other women who are trying to better themselves”.

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Last modified: 6 October 2023